New Labour’s Death at the Council and European Elections
There was a big fall in the vote for New Labour at its death rattle end last Thursday. The Right Wing rags are putting this down to the eloquence (more like the slime) of David Cameron and/or Labour’s floating voters who have floated over to the Tories, the UK Independence Party and even the British National Party. Strange that the percentage of votes for the Tories, UKiP and the BNP has hardly increased – but what’s another lie?
The Difficult Birth of Real Labour
The truth is that Labour voters stayed at home or spoiled their papers. For example 15,000 stayed home in
Some Complications in the Birth of Real Labour
Correct, the no shows and spoilers didn’t approve of New Labour’s remnants. They were/are still in it for the money and as much as possible: flipping, double dipping and watching pornography in the employment of their Parliamentary spouses as is their way. Correct also, the Credit Crunch – the feast of the Greedy Bunch - has hit them (the no-shows and spoilers) hardest while the real elite, the feasting Bankers aka the W*nkers, have been bonus protected by tax payers’ money, dished out like there’s no tomorrow.
Exploding the Big Myth of Labour’s Racism
Incorrect, that Labour no-shows and spoilers acted out of a fascist tendency mixed with innate racism. Unlike the “divine” extreme Right Wing scum (for that is what they are) Socialists have sympathy for economic migrants and see they’d do exactly the same if their children were being denied opportunities or starving. They know that many (East Europeans for instance) are p*ssing off back home, where the grass in now greener and Socialists don’t delude themselves that they are anything but mongrels themselves.
Real Labour Overcoming the Tony Blair Legacy – Not Long Now!
New Labour is finally dying because Tony Bliar’s cancerous Legacy is showing up in the x-rays. They reveal “Yo Tony” was actually a Tory: proof of that being his Atlantic-long tongue up the arse of George W Bush. They show that Tony Blair the Liar converted to Catholicism to be absolved for the war he encouraged and the gallons of blood still on his hands. That Tony Bliar, whose penance, (estimated at 15 million Our Fathers, 2 trillion Hail Marys and infinite rotations of the Rosary Beads), should be tried a War Criminal; that Bliar’s megalomaniac hatred of Gordon’s natural decency and modest ways is finally dying along with his cancerous mole acolytes in the midst of Parliamentary scandal; Bliar’s disgust that Gordon can’t jump on the band-wagon of any car-crash; Bliar’s delusion that the hand of God was w*nking him off and that everybody loved the Blairite years is finally revealed for the sham and shame they were. Gordon Brown can at last finish cleaning up the ejaculations of his predecessor.
Gordon Brown Can Give Birth to Real Labour
Gordon Brown has made mistakes and he can admit to them. For instance he should have resigned as Chancellor when Saint Tony marched this country to war. Brown was against War with
What Happens Next? Go For It Gordon!
While the Bliarite Rats are clinging to the ship and not wanting to jump until the next election (they score another £200,000 each by staying the course) he is safe as Prime Minister. The great thing is that he now has nothing to lose. He should go with his gut instincts and natural decency – they type that saw the difficult birth of the NHS in this country. If he does this the no-shows and spoilers will turn out for the next election and convince the real floaters to accompany them.
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